193 Fundació Uriach 1838

Mr. Antoni Vila Casas visits FU 1838


Today we have received the visit of Mr. Antoni Vila Casas, president of the Foundation that bears his name and with a long career as a pharmaceutical entrepreneur.
Created in 1986, the Vila Casas Foundation is made up of three contemporary art museums and two temporary exhibition spaces for the exhibition of contemporary Catalan works.
Accompanied by the president of the Uriach Foundation 1838, Dr. Joan Uriach Marsal, Mr. Vila Casas was able to visit our exhibition space Uriach Gallery, the Historical Library of Health Sciences and our documentary center.
In the image above, from left to right: Mr. Javier Uriach Torelló, Mr. Juan Uriach Torelló, Mr. Joan Uriach Marsal, Mr. Antoni Vila Casas and Mr. Joaquin Uriach Torelló.
In the image below, from left to right: Mr. Antoni Vila Casas, Mr. Javier Uriach Torelló, Mr. Joan Uriach Marsal and Judit Entrena Ariza.